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最近,国际法律语言学家协会(International Association of Forensic Linguists, IAFL)向各会员发来e-mail,就更改会名征求意见,并进行表决。事情的起因是在2003年悉尼IAFL法律语言学国际会议上,有些会员发起了一场更改会名的运动,结果,不同观点互相碰撞,引发协会要求各会员投票表决的行动。




Dear IAFL member,

This is a second attempt to offer current IAFL members the opportunity to vote on a possible name change for the Association, now that the membership lists have been brought up to date. Please note that the voting options have not changed since the first message was sent out.
Please read carefully and act accordingly!

Instructions for Voting

Members who received the original ballot but have not yet voted should now do so.
Members who received the original ballot and have already voted should follow one of the two options below:

1. Members who have changed their mind since their first vote may submit another vote, if they wish to do so. Please note that only the final ballot received from each member will be counted.

2. Members who have not changed their mind, and wish their first vote to stand, do not need to vote again, as their views have been logged.

Members who did not receive the original ballot should now submit their vote, following the instructions below.

Rationale for the ballot

At the last IAFL conference in Sydney, there was a movement to change the name of the association. Some members felt that our current name could be used as bogus certification to give forensic linguistic evidence, and some also felt that the name could be narrowly interpreted to mean we were only concerned with forensic linguistic evidence. Other members felt that the current name should be kept, on the basis that we have established its broader meaning, and our 'brand name'.

The IAFL Committee has decided to put the issue to an email vote of the membership. There are two questions. Please use your 'reply' button to make your vote, following the instructions in the round brackets.

Question 1

Should the International Association of Forensic Linguists change its name?


(Please delete either 'yes' or 'no', leaving your answer to the question)

Question 2

If a majority of the membership decides in favour of a name change, which new name(s) would you prefer?

(Next to the names, please insert a '1' for your first choice, and a '2' for your second choice.)

[no change]
International Association of Forensic Linguists

[minimal change]
International Association of Forensic Linguistics

[medium change]
International Association of Forensic and Legal Linguistics

[major change]
International Association for Speech Language and the Law
International Language and Law Association

Please insert your name here:

Please use your 'send' button to submit your vote after you have answered both questions and given your name. All voting will be kept confidential, and known only to the IAFL secretary.

All votes should be received by midnight GMT on Friday 15th October 2004. NB Please reply using this email address only and please use this message only for voting purposes.

Thank you for taking part in this process.

Dr Janet Cotterill
Secretary, IAFL
on behalf of the IAFL Executive Committee


