Conference Website

Message 1: Language and the Law 2005: East meets West 
Date: 13-Aug-2005 
From: Krzysztof Kredens <>
Subject: Language and the Law 2005: East meets West

Language and the Law 2005: East meets West 

Short Title: L&L 2005 

Date: 12-Sep-2005 - 14-Sep-2005 
Location: Lodz, Poland 
Contact: Krzysztof Kredens 
Contact Email: 
Meeting URL: 

Linguistic Field(s): Forensic Linguistics; General Linguistics 

Meeting Description: 

The conference seeks to provide a forum for discussion in those scientific fields where linguistic and legal interests converge, and to facilitate integration between scholars from the former Eastern Bloc countries and 
elsewhere in Europe and the world. 

Dear Colleagues, 

This is to let you know that the ''Language and the Law 2005: East meets West'' conference website has been updated. We have published the abstracts and added a ''Before you arrive'' section, which is to give you an idea of what to expect in Poland and Lodz. The programme will be posted on the website early next week. 

Best wishes, 

L&L2005: East meets West 

Organizing Committee 


Updated on 15 Oct. 2005

This website was created by LIU Weiming on 6 May, 2002.