International Association of Forensic Linguists
7th Biennial Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and Law
1st ~ 4th July 2005
University of Washington
Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Information for Speakers
If you are presenting a paper at the IAFL conference, please read through the following information.
Time slots
As you will see from the conference programme, time slots are very tight at the conference. We are asking speakers to present for approximately 20 mins, leaving 10 mins for questions and discussion after each paper. Questions and comments will be coordinated by the Chair of each session, who will also introduce each speaker. The three thematic symposia will operate according to the wishes of each Coordinator and so may not follow this pattern.
Individual papers have been placed in thematic groups wherever possible and conference attendees are requested to stay within sessions rather than switching between individual papers, so as to minimise disruption in the room.
AV and IT provision
Each room is equipped with a PC, Powerpoint projector, overhead projector and VCR machine, as well as a tape player, (V)CD player and white board. Please note we are not able to play DVDs or to accommodate Mac users. It is also unfortunately not possible for presenters to use their own laptop machines, as the data projector cannot be disconnected from the PC.
You should bring with you the following:
- Photocopied handouts for up to 75 people (photocopying facilities are unfortunately not available at the conference)
- Backup Powerpoint files on one or more of the following – CD, USB flash drive, floppy disk (NB all should be saved as Powerpoint files for PC). You are advised to bring your presentation in more than one of these forms.
IMPORTANT: We are asking all presenters to send their Powerpoint files to us before the start of the conference, so they can be uploaded to the PCs in advance. This will aid us greatly in saving time on the day. Files should be sent by email to the IT Technician, Dean Burnett at the following address:
Files names should be in the following form:
We have two consecutive conferences and this will help us to differentiate between them.
If anyone has particular IT needs, such as slide projectors, DVD players, embedded sound/video files etc, please contact Dean Burnett as soon as possible to arrange this.