关于Forensic Linguistics 的中文名称问题






摘 要:一门学科的引入或创建,规范且科学的名称是至关重要的。如果一门学科的名称都不一致,那么对该学科的发展肯定不利。新兴学科Forensic Linguistics引入我国之后,其中文名称出现了两者译法:法律语言学和司法语言学。这两种名称在本质上是有差异的,那么孰是孰非对本学科在我国的进一步的发展是很关键的。鉴此,在对本学科进行深入研究之时,有必要本着译名宜慎重的原则,对学科名称的规范性与科学性进行探讨,以利于本学科的发展。 


Abstract: On introduction or establishment of a subject, the standard and scientific name is very important. If the name of a subject is not unanimous, undoubtedly, it is of no benefit to the development of the subject. After introduced into our country, Forensic Linguistics, the new and developing subject has two Chinese names, which are quite different from each other in meaning intrinsically. Which is acceptable and which is not is crucial to the further development of the subject in our country. Therefore, on deep research on the subject, it is necessary to discuss the name of the subject normally and scientifically with a view to promoting it. 

Key Words: Forensic Linguistics; legal language; judicial practice

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